A few more reflections on our coaching session last Wednesday.  One thing I've noticed is that part of leading involves catching up with volunteer leaders and talking about their ministry and life.  But a question in my mind has been, how do I make those conversations more intentional?  How do I make them more than a catch up with a friend?

Well John, gave us this helpful acronym to run through when we are having those pastoral or leaders catch ups.  The acronym, helpfully, is COACH.

C - Connect (you've got to start at the start... so say g'day, build trust.)
O - Outcome (Get clarity around what the person you're 'coaching' would like to achieve from the conversation.  I'd like clarity around why I'm a youth leader or whether I should take this new job etc.)
A - Awareness (Listen (see my last post on listening) Ask questions like, Tell me more about...  or, I'm hearing...)
C - Course of action (What are you going to do?  Make some SMART goals)
H - Highlights (at the end of the conversation ask, what were the things that stood out to you from this conversation.)