Anyhow, outside the scope of my essay is the criticism that Dawkins has about religion that it is in it’s on special category where you are unable to criticise. That in society we are are allowed to argue about our views on taxation, whether you vote Green or Liberal, but that when it comes to religion we just have to ‘respect’ that persons view unquestioningly, unthinkingly.
Well, I think this is a healthy reminder to encourage people to question us hard. And to question others hard. To allow people to ask questions that challenge the very basics of our faith.
There is nothing worse in a youth ministry context when youth are just giving you the right answers, rather than telling you what they really think. For example when a youth answers the question, “What is God like?” with a one word answer like loving or powerful. But what they’re really thinking is usually, “I have no idea what God is like, I know I’m supposed to think he’s loving, or kind, or compassionate or powerful, but my parents are divorced, my friends think believing in God is dumb and tease me and my grandma has cancer. I’m angry at God.”
The same thing happens in small groups of adults. What is is about people and religion that causes people to never say what they’re actually thinking? But to instead always seek some sort of implied ‘right’ answer?
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