The reason I titled this post, God is good though is because yesterday Belgrave Heights (the location of this conference) which is out in the Dandenong Ranges was threatened by a serious fire threat. It's fair to say that in Victoria at the moment, people are massively on edge about fires! In fact, I was a bit nervous about taking people into the bush when there could be a fire! Anyway, see this news story which shows just how "lucky" we were. The school where we had afternoon activities on VCYC was evacuated yesterday... praise God everyone is safe and this happened the day after we left!!
The conference was very good. In fact, I personally was challenged about being more fixated on Jesus and less on my ministry or my church or my study. All good things, but I think I realised I'd inadvertently let them become the focus, not God, whom I do those things for. So I've repented of that, and am hoping God helps me stay focused on Him and for a more fruitful year because of that.
Amen about the focus! Glad you guys are safe. God is good.