Some quotes...
- Only 32 per cent believed love to be an important factor before having sex.
- Seven out of ten confessed to having had a one-night stand and a fifth had enjoyed more than five.
- Only 1 per cent said they would wait until marriage to have sex.
- 39 per cent would sleep with their boss for a promotion.
- 27 per cent would have an affair with a married man
- 14 per cent would sleep with their best friend's partner.
- 50 per cent admitting they have cheated on a partner - half at least twice.
I'm also thanking God that my girl has stood strong against this rotten culture because of her faith! What a rare beauty she is!
I think you could have pointed out in your article it was a study in the uk - so the figures may be different here but not too different I would imagine. I think that wile making a stand we should not be be judgmental but love these people. jesus hang out with prosistutes.