A healthy church transforming the lives of Young Tasmanians.
Thats our vision for youth ministry in the Anglican Church in this state. Whilst the church has a perception of having few resources, the fact is, the Anglican church has a lot of money invested and tied up in many different things (like buildings). We need to see a realse of this money and a revitalised passion of people who are part of the Anglican community to reaching out to young people in this state.

We want all the churches to work together to reach out to young people. Broadly speaking there are three different sorts of churches. Supporting churches are churches with no young people but who have a passion to minister to young people. We are encouraging them to begin praying and finding some money in their budget to support local youth initiatives in their regions. Growing churches are those churches with a few young people or who have just started a youth ministry. We are encouraging these churches to grow their leadership skills and work with other churches in their region. Resourcing churches are churches like BayWest who have established youth ministries. We are asking these churches to invest in the ministry of the other churches by running training programs and sending out leaders to grow other ministries.
Importantly we must remember that simply because we worship in two different church buildings, we still worship the same God and we still have the same mission. To tell people the good news about Jesus. Young people are open and receptive to this news and that is why it is important that our churches are working together to transform the lives of these young individuals!
ooohhh shiny