Mark Yaconelli (son of Mike, founder of Youth Specialites) has recently published a book called Contemplative Youth Ministry. I'm not very far through it (exams have forced me to put it down) but i have checked out his webstie fairly extensively (www.ymsp.org).
His main idea seems to be doing youth ministry in a way that connects people to Jesus in a more real and substaintale way that just having fun or being cool. The idea has several appealing factors to me. Firstly it seems this style is aimed at relying totally on God. Secondly it calls for a very deep spirituality. Something that is very attractive in this fast paced 21st centrury world. Thirdly it seems anyone of any age could do youth ministry this way.
However, i'm only 60 odd pages through his 250 odd page book. So i might have it all wrong. But i'll be sure to review the book properly when i've finished it.
(the books is available at Koorong)
I've been reflecting a bit on how different church culture is in Australia compared to here. I have no conclusive thoughts but it really is a different feel. It's like the Church in each country is facing a completely different world. One of my housemates is reading that book. Or her has it, not sure he's read it yet. Have you read Velvet Elvis yet?